My Resolution for 2012.
Now I typically don't believe in resolutions but for the sake of making it about Jesus I don't see what could be of any harm in doing so. I'm pretty excited about this year, this previous year has been incredible and by the grace of God extremely productive.
Let's look at it in just a few ways, among thousands of blessings He's given me.
I now have a job of six months now that's given me a car of my own, an apartment of my own. I'm standing on my own two feet paying my own bills. I wash my own clothes and do my own dishes. Now to some that doesn't seem like much, but from a life of sloth and bitterness to do anything other than benefits my own personal gain; it's a lot.
Every thing was always given to me. Now, by the grace and provision of my Father God, I'm pursuing a life for Christ and in doing so He's blessed me with teaching me how to be a Man. This includes providing for at least myself even though lately I've provided for two.. This also includes how to be a role model to my niece and nephew. This includes patience and diligence into learning and loving Jesus. This includes reading and studying, learning from scripture and other men on how to be a good godly man. As a father-less child, more than most of my efforts are towards how to be a good father and husband. How to be a spiritual leader for my family with a foundation on nothing or no one other than our Lord Jesus Christ.
Among many other things I can mention, my cup runs over in abundance of His grace. So here's my one and only resolution.
If there's ANYTHING I do right this year, It's to be prudent in following Jesus. No matter where He leads me, every thing I do, say, think and pray about let it be for the sake of Christ living in me so that others will see His light and love shines brilliantly and the Word of God spreads like wildfire.
Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
You know Paul said if Christ weren't resurrected we wasted our lives. That IMPLIES that our lives should be built around Jesus being alive. He died so we could live.
Need I say more?
The Resolution for 2012
Posted by Jeremy at 10:18 PM
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