I will be courageous.

What does it take to be a man?
I want to know.

When does a boy become a man? When he simply puts away childish things, or perhaps when is it when a man is legal to drive, vote, or have a job?

I believe a man isn't defined by age or what battle scars he has from what kind of challenges he goes through. How far he can spit or how smelly he can fart. I believe a man isn't defined by what licenses he has, how much money he has or what kind of car he drives. I believe a man isn't defined by what kind of house he lives in or how ''hot'' his girlfriend is.

I believe a man is defined by the choices he makes and the life that he leads. Not lives, but leads. A man, bibically, is called to be a spiritual leader. That means he doesn't just live life because it's what every one else does, but through Jesus, through His death, burial and resurrection we have the freedom and are able to LEAD our families and children to be examples of the light and love that is; Jesus.

Our generation desperately needs courageous men to step up. We need men who will not be swayed by the culture or afraid of criticism. We need men who are resolved to lead their families no matter what. Men to teach sexual purity to their sons and daughters so that more children wont enter the world without married parents. Men who stick to their marriage vows and cry out for God's help to love their wives rather than giving up during difficult times. - Resolution for Men

Let's look at it with scripture.

A man is an adult male - Leviticus 27:3
Who accepts his masculinity - 1 Corinthians 16:13
Speaks and acts with maturity - 1 Corinthians 13:11
Embraces responsibility Genesis - 1:26; 2:15
Functions independently Genesis - 2:24; Matthew 12:46-50
Can lead a family faithfully - Genesis - 2:24; 1 Timothy 3:4-5
Recognizes his accountability Ecclesiastes - 12:13-14
As an image bearer of God - Genesis1:26; Corinthians 11:7-9
One day God metaphorically pulled me to the side and told me He's chosen me to turn my family around. Not only my currently family, but the fact that I'm going to have a family of my own in the future. I will be a husband, a father, and by God's grace I plan to lead them as their spiritual leader. As a fatherless child, I know the importance of that role to be fulfilled. I will not leave them, nor do I have spite against my own father that left my mother.

God has set a fire within me that burns passionately for Jesus. The same Jesus that hung on that cross to pay the price that was on my shoulders. Thanks to Jesus ALONE, by God's grace through my faith and trust in Him that He alone carried that punishment away and eternally keeps me from breaking that sacrifice.. I'm free.

He also set a fire within me that burns passionately towards being a father. Day by day I seek opportunities, sermons, scripture, examples in other ways to be a loving, understanding, serving, leading husband and father. By the grace of God I spend all my free time learning and meditating on being a strong spiritual leader.

But you see, it's not me. Lord knows that I would never try to or even CARE about any one other than myself. But I am a new creation, crucified with Christ. God has given me a new heart as a new creation to serve, glorify and ultimately please Him.
But I am a long way from pleasing Him. O' Lord, teach me.. show me the lies that I so desperately need Your truth for.

To conclude this post I will say one more thing.

I'm scared.

The same reason I'm scared is the same tool God used to set me free from a deep, DEEP sin that I've had for almost 13 years. January 14th, 2012 I was set free from that sin and here's why. The bondage that I've been under for so long will have to be mentioned to the lady I intend to marry. Most likely she'll be hurt by it. That image alone is hard to bare, hurting my wife. Every thing I do is rooted in being more like Jesus, every hour I work every dream I dream, every step I take and every sermon I listen to is rooted into being more holy because He is holy. If I'm so on fire for being a better husband and yet I start a marriage with a hurting her, what does that say about me as a man?

..I have a lot to learn. I'm glad I'm now free but I just wish I had found freedom much sooner than this. Perhaps I shouldn't complain as much.

Until next time, God be with you.

''As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.'' - Joshua 24:15